Monday 29 December 2008

Our Christmas

Christmas eve after being told Lewis has cancer he gets his first dose of Chemotherapy. We were all in shock but Lewis took it in his stride. He took it ok but was very sleepy. Lewis had been put on the drip which was called Robby Robot and the tube was called a Wriggly. All the doctors and nurses were really helpful and friendly. Mum stayed with him over night.

On Christmas day Dad, Jamie (our older brother), Auntie Vikki and I got up and ready and went to the hospital to see Lewis. When we got to the hospital we met Santa and he gave Lewis and I a sack full of presents. We bought all of Lewis' presents and a sack full of mine. Lewis loved his main present which was Pleo the dinosaur. Pleo is Mum and Lewis' surrogate dog while they are away from Lola, Archie and Ruby.

Dad took Vikki home because she had to go back to Wales where she lives and Dad had to take out the dogs back at home. At 12:30 Lewis ate his Christmas lunch but didn't eat a lot of it as he wasn't too hungry. Dad came back a little while later with a few more presents for Lewis to open. We went into the teenage room and the play room where you had access to the Internet. Lewis made a little decoration to stick on Robby Robot. We went back to his room that he was staying in and then Dad, Jamie and I went home and Mum stayed overnight with Lewis again.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you were able to open presents and that Lewis loved his Pleo the dinosaur. It seems like such a simple gift and the small and simple things are so much more important. On second thought, I do not even know what it is, I may be wrong. Hahaha. But he sounds like such a sweet and strong young man.

    -- Julia
