Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Tuesday 27th Jan

Lewis spent last night in Southampton hospital after his op yesterday to put in the Hickman line, he also had a lumber puncher again, that's number 6 I think. His platelets were low yesterday so he had his first blood transfusion.

Now with the line fitted he wont have to have anymore injections and needles for blood tests, all this can be done through the line.

Lewis is feeling weaker and finding it hard to get around now so we have to help him out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi All, Excellent news about the cenral line it deffinately makes life easier! Mia has just had a 5 day stay at the "wonderful" St Mary's IoW for febrile netropenia.. In true Mia style she spiked a temp of 38.5 at 4am!!!! Havenstreet is vey dark at 4am! Anyway neutrophils were down to 0.0 so good job we got in and got antibiotics she recovered quickly and her neutrophils are back up to 1.1 so sigh of relief for now.
    Hope the weekness doesn't last to long if Lewis is anything like most of the boys we have met along the way the weekness is more linked to the steroids and within 3 weeks of finishing the strenght and that determination mean they don't need to do the whole in the chair out the chair game> Big Hugs XXX
